242 (ex S499.02)
Sound sample
Electric locomotive 230 (ex S489.0), brand designation Škoda 73 E, is a universal locomotive for alternating traction 25kV 50 Hz, manufactured in 1975, 1979 and 1981. Max. allowed speed was 120 km/h.
The locomotive is a design continuation of the 240 series (ex S499.0 and S499.1). Chasiss and electrical part of locomotive is basically identical to it (it was a requirement of ČSD). The biggest change is the use of an all-metal locomotive body, which removed the expensive laminate from the production process. The electrodynamic brake was removed and adjustments were made to the auxiliary drives
86 pieces were produced from the 242 series.
source: Wikipédia, Atlas vozidel 1. part, photo: Artol
Function assigning
- F0White lights, direction dependentFA0v, FA0r
- F1Unassigned - reserved for advanced lightFA1
- F2Unassigned - reserved for advanced lightA2
- F3Shunting mode + speed range reduced to ½ + reduction of acceleration / braking time to ¼
- F4
- F5
- F6Short horn
- F7Long horn
- F8Sounds on/off - engine
- F9
- F10
- F11
- F12Uncoupling sound
- F13Coupling sound
- F14Sandblasting
- F15Train dispatcher whistle - new "Výzva na pohotovosť"
- F16Train dispatcher whistle - old "Výzva na pohotovosť, odchod"
- F17Compressor - while standing, at the same time random sound
- F18
- F19Station announcement
- F20Station announcement
- F21
- F22
- F23
- F24
- F25
- F26Mute sounds
- F27Decrease the volume
- F28Increase the volume
Maximum speed setting
We recommend setting the maximum speed via CV57, not via CV5. Setting the maximum speed via CV5 may cause the range of sounds to change. The CV3 acceleration time, CV4 deceleration time and CV6 mean speed settings are not affected by the maximum speed setting via CV57.
Shunting mode
In a universal project, the position lights are switched off in shunting mode. In models, it is common to combine position lights that shine simultaneously with reflectors. If this functionality is required, it can be turned on by setting CV37 = 3.
Custom function set-out settings
It is possible to customize the set-out of the functions via CV400 - CV428. The project does not use it for its needs.
Decoder reset
You may make a mistake when setting up the decoder that you can no longer correct or get lost in the setup. In this case, we recommend resetting the decoder. To reset the decoder, program CV8 = 8 or CV8 = 0. This programming will reset the sound project settings.
Basic project CV settings
CV3 = 16 CV4 = 14 CV33 = 1 CV34 = 2 CV35 = 4 CV36 = 8 CV37 = 0 CV38 = 0 CV39 = 0 CV40 = 0 CV41 = 0 CV42 = 0 CV43 = 0 CV44 = 0 CV45 = 0 CV46 = 0 CV57 = 125 CV124 = 82 CV266 = 100 CV395 = 130