Working with Encoded Sound Projects Zimo

The files *.zpp published on this site are encrypted and cannot be uploaded to the sound decoder without a permission code. To obtain the permission code, it is necessary to read the values of 4 CVs from the respective sound decoder. These are CV250-253, which also represent the serial number of the sound decoder and are unique.

Please send us the content of these CVs as part of your sound project order, and a pro forma invoice will be generated for payment. After payment, we will send you 4 numbers in the format xxx : xxx : xxx : xxx, which are the permission code for uploading the respective *.zpp to the sound decoder. These must be entered into CV260-263, and then the sound project can be uploaded.

There are several ways to upload the encoded sound project to the sound decoder. You will need the MXULFA device and one of the programs that can work with this device. This can be ZSP, ZPP Config (which is part of the ZSP installation), or ZCS.